Wallpaper Project

Wallpaper Project

Wallpaper Project

Every month, I design a wallpaper for free!

Zhush your phone! Since January 2020, I design a wallpaper each month for smartphones and tablets and share it on my blog. What started off as a project to motivate me to design something new every month has been something that I look forward to doing and sharing. This year, I will ask a question on my Instagram stories and pick an answer to create a wallpaper for the month. It is an ongoing project and I enjoy interacting with my Instagram followers and reading their responses.

Download the wallpapers here.

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YABAI YABAI is a textile studio based in Singapore, specializing in prints and patterns. We are also open to illustration and graphic design collaborations!

For inquiries and collaborations, feel free to reach us at info@yabaiyabai.com or Instagram.