
fun stuffWallpaper – Feb 2020
Feb wallpaper 2020 Yabai Yabai

Wallpaper – Feb 2020

And here is February’s free wallpaper! This wallpaper was inspired by the irregularity and texture of stones.
Each month of 2020, I will share a wallpaper freebie with anyone who comes to this site.
It usually comes from an idea or a sketch during my off days and if you like it, feel free to use it!

The wallpapers are only sized for iPads, iPhones and certain Android Phones. If it doesn’t fit your current phone size, please try expanding or shrinking the image so that it fits well on your phone.
I’m open to making more sizes available. Send a request with a comment below!

1 Comment

  • Dear Stacy Tan, Hi. This is Yoko Yagi, a freelance writer of SO-EN magazine. I actually interviewed you three years ago when you were Bunka fashion college student. Now, You are textile designer! I'm so happy for you. I just want to ask you. When Have you started own textile brand and worked some fashion company since you graduated Bunka fashion college? So sorry! My English is terrible. Please reply. Sincerely, Yoko Yagi / moile 090-7260-1743 / こんにちは。雑誌「装苑」の外部ライターをしている八木です。実は3年前、ステイシーさんが文化の学生だった時、インタビューしたことがあります。今、テキスタイルデザイナーとして活動しているのですね。嬉しいです。突然で恐縮ですが質問です。ご自分のテキスタイルブランドはいつからスタートしましたか? それまで、どこかのアパレル企業で働いていましたか? お返事いただけますと幸いです。ご自分の活動が3年未満でしたら、装苑で紹介したいと思っています。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 八木陽子/ mobile 090-7260-1743 / 編集部担当:児島幹規編集長

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YABAI YABAI is a textile studio based in Singapore, specializing in prints and patterns. We are also open to illustration and graphic design collaborations!

For inquiries and collaborations, feel free to reach us at or Instagram.