
fun stuffWallpaper – May 2021

Wallpaper – May 2021

What keeps you sane during this period of isolation?

It has just gone past one full year since my move back to Singapore. One year ago I was serving a 14-day quarantine, isolated in a hotel, and I often still get flashbacks of my experience. Thanks to the care packs of food, Zoom parties and warm messages from my family and friends, I received a lot of energy from them that made the days seem more bearable, knowing that I’ll get to meet them again soon. A year later, a lot has changed, and yet not so much still.

This period of time, most of us are spending time at home, and that itself might make you feel a sense of isolation, uncertain if things will get better, unsure of what to do. When it becomes an everyday thing, we adapt and find little things that make us happy-er, that makes us smile a little to get through the day. Thus this sprang this month’s question – What are the little things that keep us sane during this period of isolation at home?

The responses made me feel really warm, and it’s cool to know that we all are doing different things to keep us happy. One thing I realized was that simple things Food, Coffee, Cooking, Friends, and our Pets came out very often. 🙂 For this month’s wallpaper, I wanted to present everyone a hot beverage of your choice, be it tea, coffee, or even soup, so that you will feel some comfort when you look at your phone. I also hope that it serves a reminder for you to take a mental break or one long deep breath during the day.

Each month of 2021, I will post a question on my instagram page and pick an answer to design a wallpaper with it.
This month’s wallpaper inspiration was actually collected by a group of answers from @nicole.a.chen, @sherlhn, @knottedbows, and everyone else who contributed answers about cooking and food 🙂

Thank you so much for your responses!
Stay tuned for next month’s question on my instagram.

A Cup of Warm Beverage Wallpaper

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YABAI YABAI is a textile studio based in Singapore, specializing in prints and patterns. We are also open to illustration and graphic design collaborations!

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