Wallpaper – Jan 2021
What is your favourite kind of weather?
Earlier this week, I posted this question on my Instagram story. Every month this year, I will pick an answer and design a wallpaper with it! 🙂 I realized that many of you like cozy, sweater weather kind of days! The kind of days where it is grey and the rain is pouring heavily, while you are in the comfort of your home, sipping some hot tea. I love that too. In fact, it has been raining heavily almost every single day in Singapore, so much so that I actually miss the clear skies. I heard it has been really cold in Japan, Korea and Taiwan too! My friends, please stay warm and don’t catch a cold!
In the responses I received, I was curious about two of them which answered “beach weather”. And I thought to myself, what exactly is beach weather? I tried to remember the times I visited the beach, the happy noises from kids mixed with the sound of the waves hitting the shore, the strong sun which can feel quite intense at times against my skin, the slightly chilly breeze giving Beyoncé waves to my hair, and the drowsy kind of sleepiness I feel when I head back home with sand in between my slippers. And I realized, that’s the kind of weather I really wish for right now!
I designed two versions of the beach weather I remember in my head, one in the bright morning and one in the sunset. I hope that they would bring you a sense of warmth and make your phones a little hotter hehe. Enjoy!
Each month of 2021, I will post a question on my instagram page and pick an answer to design a wallpaper with it!
This month’s contributors are @yesyesmonorail and @therealnelsony, who suggested “Beach Weather”. Thank you so much!
Stay tuned for next month’s question on my instagram.
The wallpapers are only sized for iPads, iPhones and certain Android Phones.
If it doesn’t fit your current phone size, please try expanding or shrinking the image so that it fits well on your phone.
I’m open to making more sizes available. Send a request with a comment below!
Beach Weather – Sunset Pink version
Beach Weather – Morning Blue version
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