Wallpaper – Mar 2021
What do you miss most about travelling?
Ah, the travel bug and what ifs. It is surreal how the world got locked up suddenly and now, the thought of going to visit another country seems so faraway. I love travelling and exploring new places. The long train rides, bumpy bus journeys, ear popping airplane flights, I live for it. I guess the thing I miss the most is just to be placed in a completely different environment and walking like an rpg game. There are so many places we have yet to explore and discover. Thank you for all your contributions to this question! A lot of them made me smile because we have familiar memories together. I made two wallpapers this month – one for the countryside nature lovers, and one for the convenience store goers!
Also, I’ve simplified the format for downloading – there will only be two now – one for smartphones and one for tablets. Since most smartphones and tablets can resize wallpapers easily, try shrinking or expanding them to fit your own phone. 🙂
Each month of 2021, I will post a question on my instagram page and pick an answer to design a wallpaper with it!
This month’s contributors are @droolstamps, @onecupofjov, @bockerino, and @faythfaith who contributed answers similar to nature and countryside,
and @ohhmygoh , @kaiens @d_loren , and @purrlicia who contributed answers similar to visiting convenience stores and supermarkets. (Also goes out to everyone who mentioned food!)
Thank you so much!
Stay tuned for next month’s question on my instagram.
Countryside View
Conbini Onigiri
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